Rocky Rd. Exotics

TJ (Thumper-Juicy)
TJ is the man, myth and legend that started it all. When I was in college, I worked at a farm that bred rabbits-and there was a super cute, small silver baby. All I was told that that his father was a full-bred Flemish Giant and that his mother was a Havana. Not knowing what any of this meant, I took the small, fuzzy rabbit home and expected him to stay that way-obviously not how it went. He's picky, curious, and of questionable morality-but he does combine some of the best of his genes, keeping the tolerant nature of the Flemish but not so large he can't be housed easily.

Pidgeon is a beautiful lady who was purchased when she was a year old from a rabbitry looking to offload. She's a gorgeous Californian rabbit She isn't pedigreed, but she certainly is a specimen. She's the largest rabbit on-site, and is curious and fearless when interacting with the world.

Orion is our sweet little lady. She's tough, as her name suggests, but she's very sweet and usually down to cuddle. While she may be our smallest of the meat crew, she can be playful and show her personality off! Orion is a broken amber Standard Rex.

Spooky Fields "Cafe Noir"
Our newest friend! He's a pedigreed Tan buck that we're currently raising up to father our new generation of Tan babies! He's still learning the ropes of our rabbitry, but we can't wait to see all his contributions to the business!

Tri Hard Lumi "Espresso"
Espresso is our distinguished lady! She's a Tan rabbit, which is an arch-backed "running" breed of rabbit. She lives up to all expectations and name by being fast paced and a little finicky!